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Financial and Insurance Options for Everyone

Allegiance Dental Associates can help you understand your dental financial and insurance options in Bel Air, MD. Financial constraints shouldn’t limit quality dental care, so we offer various financial options to make your treatment affordable. We accept most major insurance plans, and our experienced and knowledgeable staff can help you maximize your benefits. If you don’t have insurance, we also offer competitive self-pay rates. Call our practice for assistance with determining your financial options.

couple smiling

We Accept Most Major Dental Insurance Providers

Navigating the dental insurance world can be confusing and overwhelming. That’s why we strive to make it as simple as possible for our patients. We recommend that you call our practice before your visit so we can help you determine your insurance eligibility. Our knowledgeable staff will file claims on your behalf and help you understand your coverage. We’re in-network with most major insurance providers, including Aetna, Cigna, Delta Dental, and many more.

Flexible Financing Options for Dental Care

We understand that unexpected dental expenses can be a burden on your budget. That’s why we are proud to provide multiple financing options for dental treatment. With our flexible financing, you can receive the care you need now and pay for it over time with low monthly payments. It’s an excellent option for those who may not have insurance or need additional assistance covering the cost of treatment. We participate with most Preferred Provider Plans and offer interest-free financing for those who qualify.

Affordable Self-Pay Plans That Work for You

To make our services accessible and affordable, we offer competitive self-pay rates for patients without dental insurance. Our dental care team will provide a detailed breakdown of the costs associated with your treatment so you can make an informed decision about your care. We help you choose the most affordable option for your financial needs so you receive the personalized care you need regardless of insurance status. We aim to provide you with the highest possible level of care based on your oral health needs.

Get the Care You Need With Flexible Payment Options

At Allegiance Dental Associates, we offer everyone flexible dental insurance and financial options in Bel Air, MD. Our staff will help you explore your options to find the best solution for your dental care payment, ensuring that cost doesn’t hinder you from enjoying a healthy smile. So, whether you have insurance coverage or need a customized payment plan, we’re here to make your dental experience as easy and affordable as possible. Call our practice to learn more about your options and schedule your next appointment.

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