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Protect Your Teeth With Bi-Annual Dental Cleanings

Allegiance Dental Associates has an experienced dental team that provides thorough bi-annual dental cleanings in Bel Air, MD and surrounding areas. The American Dental Association recommends scheduling a dental cleaning at least twice yearly to ensure optimal oral health. As part of our preventive dentistry services, we keep your teeth bright and shiny with our bi-annual dental cleanings. We’re proud to help our patients achieve excellent oral health, and our routine dental cleanings can prevent complex problems in the future. Call our practice to schedule your ADA-recommended bi-annual cleaning today.

lady smiling

What to Expect During a Bi-Annual Dental Cleaning

We prioritize making your bi-annual dental cleaning as comfortable and stress-free as possible. With expert dental services from our professional team, you can relax knowing you and your family receive the highest level of care possible. Here’s what you can expect during your appointment:

  • Thorough Cleaning—Our highly trained hygienists will use special tools to remove plaque, tartar, and stains from your teeth. They search for and remove anything remaining in your mouth’s crevices, including areas between your teeth.
  • Tooth Polishing—After the cleaning, we polish your teeth to remove any remaining plaque or stains. You’ll leave our practice with fresh breath, a healthy smile, and customized dental hygiene tips for your daily routine.
  • Complete Oral Exam—We’ll examine your mouth for any signs of dental problems, including cavities and gum disease. In addition, we complete an oral cancer screening as part of our preventative dental care services.

Why Is Scheduling Bi-Annual Dental Cleanings Essential?

Regular dental cleanings, known as prophylaxis, are essential to maintaining good oral hygiene. That’s why we recommend our patients schedule a bi-annual cleaning to maintain optimal oral health and prevent costly procedures down the road. Here are some reasons why keeping up with your ADA-recommended bi-annual dental cleanings is essential:

Remove Plaque and Tartar Buildup

Plaque is a sticky film that forms on teeth and can harden into tartar if not removed regularly. Bi-annual cleanings help remove this buildup before it leads to tooth decay or gum disease.

Prevent Bad Breath

Tartar and plaque buildup can also cause bad breath. Regular cleanings help keep your mouth fresh and free of odor-causing bacteria so you can interact with others more confidently.

Early Detection of Dental Problems

During a cleaning, our dentists thoroughly examine your mouth for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, or oral cancer. Detecting these issues early can prevent more extensive and costly treatments in the future.

Improves Overall Health

Studies have linked poor oral hygiene to conditions like heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. By maintaining regular dental cleanings and exams, you keep your mouth healthy and promote overall well-being.

Schedule Your Bi-Annual Dental Cleaning Today

Allegiance Dental Associates is ready to help you achieve and maintain a healthy and beautiful smile with bi-annual dental cleanings in Bel Air, MD. Instead of waiting until dental problems arise, schedule your ADA-recommended bi-annual dental cleaning with us today. Our team of experienced dentists and friendly staff will provide quality care in a comfortable and welcoming environment. They thoroughly clean your teeth to keep your smile bright and healthy and prevent any complex issues from developing. Call our practice today to schedule your next dental cleaning appointment and take the first step in improving your family’s oral health routine.

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