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Our Dental Technology

Our state-of-the-art technologies ensure accuracy, efficiency, and comfort. Our dental equipment is safe, effective, and well-maintained. Some of our dental technologies include those listed below:

Digital X-Rays

Our advanced digital x-rays magnify and enhance your teeth for better diagnosis and treatment. This technology allows us to take images of your teeth and display them on a computer screen quickly and easily.
With digital x-rays, we can view your teeth and surrounding structures with remarkable accuracy. These images provide the information we need to plan your dental treatment.
Digital x-rays require much less radiation than traditional film x-rays. Digital x-rays are a safe and effective dental technology.

Soft Tissue Lasers

With soft tissue lasers at our disposal, Dr. Hoch can provide precise high-quality treatments that are relatively pain-free, less invasive, and useful for a wide variety of dental treatments.
A laser is essentially a tiny beam of highly concentrated light. This beam can be used to provide pinpoint accuracy in treatments. Because the laser sterilizes the tissues and seals off blood vessels as it is used, the chance of infection or bleeding following laser treatment is minimal. The soft tissue laser is minimally-invasive, but highly effective.
With the highly versatile soft tissue laser, Dr. Hoch is able to seal nerve endings and blood vessels and treat soft tissues simultaneously. This creates less stress on the gums, which significantly reduces both swelling and bleeding. Moreover, by using the soft tissue laser, Dr. Hoch minimizes patients’ discomfort both during and after the treatment and even lessens their recovery time.
Dr. Hoch uses soft tissue laser technology to provide our patients with precise dental care with a comfortable dental experience.

Rotary Endodontics

Rotary endodontics provide an alternative method for root canal therapy than traditional treatments. Using state-of-the-art electronic instruments, rotary endodontics are used in place of manual files. The tool uses a more flexible material than stainless-steel. This allows for the instrument to be used in deep, curved canals.
Rotary endodontics allow us to perform root canal therapy in a quicker and more reliable way. You’ll find the procedure to be quieter and simpler than traditional methods.

Mesa Labs Sterilization Monitoring

In our office, we take cleanliness very seriously. That is why we have invested in the latest technologies to track sterilization of our instruments and implements. We monitor our equipment carefully using continuous monitoring systems from Mesa Labs. Your health and safety is our top priority.

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