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Daniel Hoch, DDS

Meet Daniel Hoch, DDS

Dr. Daniel Hoch has been treating smiles for over 20 years. Dr. Hoch is a graduate of the University of Maryland, College Park where he earned his bachelor’s degree through an accelerated program. He continued his studies at the University of Maryland Baltimore School of Dental Surgery, earning his degree as a Doctor of Dental Surgery. Dr. Hoch completed his General Practice Residency at the Mercy Medical Center of Baltimore. He is a Staff Dentist at The Sinai Hospital of Baltimore.

Doctor Hoch is also Deans Faculty at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry where he mentors student dentists.

Dr. Hoch is an active member of several professional organizations including the Maimonides Study Club, The Spearless Club of Baltimore, and the Metropolitan Study Club. His interests and areas of focus are in occlusion, minimally invasive dentistry, and implantology.

In his personal time, Dr. Hoch can be found in his vegetable garden or making elaborate meals for family and friends. Doctor Hoch volunteers his dental services with Hope for Tomorrow Dental missions in Maryland and Virginia.

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