Are You an Appropriate Candidate for Dental Implants?
Our patients primarily seek out dental implants for two reasons: cosmetic and oral health. If you have lost a tooth due to injury, you may not be pleased with the overall appearance of your mouth and may be looking to improve your smile. Additionally, missing teeth—or even just one tooth—can have detrimental effects on your oral health, affecting how you chew and speak. If left for too long, it can also lead to shifting teeth and bone loss.
If you are considering implants for missing teeth, Dr. Hoch can help you decide the appropriate course of action based on your needs and preferences. Ideal candidates for dental implants will meet the following criteria:
Healthy gums. Since dental implants are closely connected with, and surrounded by the gum tissues, ideal candidates will be free of periodontal disease, including gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is the mildest form of periodontitis and is often caused by insufficient oral hygiene. Dr. Hoch can provide you with information on professional treatment and home care to help reverse and manage gingivitis.
Healthy jaw bone. The titanium implant acts a tooth root or anchor which will hold the individual crown or bridge, if multiple teeth need to be replaced. By a process called osseointegration, the jaw bone will heal and grow around the implant, bonding it in place. Dr. Hoch will ensure your comfort and relaxation with a local anesthetic.
Excellent oral hygiene. If you are committed to your oral health and hygiene, then dental implants may be for you. Implants and the surrounding gum tissue require diligent care to ensure they are both healing correctly and maintained. In addition to regular brushing, we recommend that you maintain regular visits with Dr. Hoch so that he can continually monitor any changes in the gum tissue and bone. Toothbrushes that can reach between each tooth are particularly helpful in getting to the hard-to-reach spots around your implant.
Non-smokers. Not only does smoking slow healing in the mouth, but it can contribute to implant failure since smoking weakens bone structure. If you are currently a smoker considering implants, Dr. Hoch recommends that you quit for your oral and overall health.
If you think you are a candidate for dental implants, contact Allegiance Dental Associates for more information.