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A beautiful lady smiling

Have you ever tried whitening your teeth at home? At first, it may seem more affordable and convenient than visiting your cosmetic dentist, and the difference in results may not seem that significant. In a study conducted by Kelton Research, researchers found that 61 percent of study participants were viewed as more confident after their teeth had been whitened. With numbers backing up the importance of a bright smile, we have a few key factors for your consideration before you decide to use at-home whitening kits.

Cost vs. Benefit

When you use over-the-counter whitening products, such as strips, you’ll notice that your teeth are whitened by a few shades at best, since these at-home kits typically contain only around three percent hydrogen peroxide as a main ingredient. The professional solutions that cosmetic dentists use, however, contain approximately 35 percent hydrogen peroxide—whitening your smile up to eight shades in just one visit. So, while at-home treatment options might seem more cost effective at the beginning, you will need to keep using the product over again to achieve the desired results. We can help you whiten and brighten your smile in one visit.

The Convenience Factor

At-home whitening systems are often purchased for convenience and ease of use. You can purchase them at almost any retail store and use them in the privacy of your own home, but most—including mouth trays with gel—need to be applied twice per day for several weeks or months to be effective. Professional treatments will require just a few visits that will last under an hour. While the strips and mouth trays may seem more convenient at first, you will ultimately spend less time achieving more desirable results when you visit us.

Quality Control

At-home systems purchased at a drugstore typically come with “one-size-fits-all” strips or trays, with one strength meant for all types of teeth. This can lead to uneven application of product, creating varied results among your teeth. One tooth may be lightened significantly, while another is barely different. With every person’s teeth, and preferences, being unique, we will apply the product evenly to all of your teeth, ensuring consistent results for a brighter smile. Professional whitening provides the most consistent, tailored, and long-lasting results, and since your smile is one of a kind, why should your whitening treatment plan be any different?

If you are considering the benefits of a brighter smile, contact us to learn more about our options for professional teeth whitening.