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Being told you need a root canal can put fear into the mind of any dental patient. When getting hit with the news, you  try to search  for answers. The Internet can be full of inaccurate information that leads online researchers to false conclusions. However, root canals, while well-known, are highly misunderstood and are not as bad as all the horror stories. Here are a few common root canal myths that are  passed off as truths,  in reality, they do  not paint the most accurate picture.

Myth: Root Canals Are Painful

Ultimately, the purpose of a root canal is to eliminate infection  that results from progressive decay that has reached the nerve of a tooth and caused an disease. The pain typically associated with root canals is likely just the pain from the infection and abscesses that are a result of the decay. By using modern procedures and anesthetics or sedation, a root canal can be performed  completely painlessly . It is just like receiving a filling or a similar basic procedure.

Myth: You Only Need a Root Canal if You Are Suffering From Tooth Pain

Sometimes the decay in a tooth will lead to the “death” of the tooth and it will no longer feel pain or sensation. When this occurs, a harmful infection can still occur without any pain to indicate the symptoms. It is still just as important to get it treated and prevent further damage.

Myth: The Benefits of Root Canals Are Temporary

Root canals are a long-term solution to infected roots. The pain is indefinitely relieved as the infected nerves are removed , and the tooth is preserved. The crown that serves as the final step in restoration is a key to the success of the root canal. A crown that fits properly combined with continued positive oral practices can ensure that your tooth lasts a lifetime.

Myth: Tooth Extraction Is a Better Alternative to Root Canals

An extraction is a far more traumatic procedure that can actually cause the introduction of more bad bacteria into the bloodstream. A root canal is not only less costly than an extraction, but it allows you to keep your natural tooth. Any replacement for a natural tooth, such as bridges, implants, or other alternatives, requires more treatments, more time in the chair, and higher costs.

Myth: Root Canals Can Cause Illness

While this myth can be found all over the Internet, many do not realize it is based on poorly designed research done nearly 100 years ago! A study performed by Dr. Weston Price in the 1920’s was done with the deceitful intent of promoting extractions, rather than providing true, scientific evidence against root canals. Root canals are a safe and effective approach that completely remove bacteria from infected roots of your teeth, improving oral and overall health.

Do you think you need a root canal and are looking for a dentist you can rely on? Allegiance Dental Associates delivers the kind of gentle, trusting care you want for your family. Contact us today to set up an appointment.