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Many people are familiar with dental crowns and fillings because of their experience with fractures, tooth decay, or other similar problems. Crowns and fillings offer a solution to restore the form and function of teeth to health.

Dental Restorations

The broad term used to describe the various options to restore the cosmetic appearance and structure of the teeth is “dental restorations.” There are different kinds of dental restorations available that are typically used for varying degrees of tooth decay and damage.

In general, the traditional dental filling is the least invasive dental restoration and is used for more minor tooth decay, such as small cavities. Dental crowns are a better option when there is major tooth decay or damage to the teeth.


As mentioned earlier, dental fillings are primarily used to fill cavities. Most people, even those who take great care of their teeth, will receive some type of filling in their life. Even if you brush and floss regularly, cavities can still appear if you eat sweet foods more regularly or even just from food generally becoming stuck in your teeth.

The procedure for a filling involves preparation of the tooth, often in the form of excavating into the tooth to remove damaged or decayed tooth material. After removing the decayed material, the fillings is inserted and set into place.

Metal fillings were more common in the past, but nowadays, most fillings are white, which provides a better cosmetic appearance for the smile. White (or composite) fillings are also better for dental health, given that less tooth structure needs to be removed and they don’t contain mercury like metal fillings.


Dental crowns are mostly used for major tooth decay and damage. A dental crown is essentially a cap that fits right over the tooth. After removing the damaged tooth structure, an impression is made of the tooth and used to set the dental crown on the tooth. The crown acts as a protective barrier, protecting it from further damage, while eliminating pain or discomfort associated with sensitivity.

Overall, fillings and crowns are both viable options for cosmetic and structural restoration after work has been done for tooth decay. Fillings are best used for minor tooth decay, while crowns are best for major tooth problems.

Are you in need of dental restoration and looking for a dentist you can rely on? Allegiance Dental Associates delivers the kind of gentle, trusting care you want for your family. Contact us today to set up an appointment.