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Flowers for mom, a watch for dad, an envelope of money for your recent grad…

This year, why not give a give a gift they’ll appreciate every time they look in the mirror? Teeth whitening can be a unique, unexpected way to treat your loved ones to something special.

Think about it. Who among us doesn’t want a bright, brilliant smile? Yet, even the most diligent brushers can deal with stained, discolored teeth as a result of age and genetic background. Not to mention, the formation of plaque can naturally build up over time, and because our teeth are porous, that film of bacteria can find its way into the structure of our teeth, causing stains and discoloration.

While inner beauty will always reign supreme, having a smile that your loved one is excited to show off can instantly heighten their sense of confidence! Don’t believe it? Research has found that your smile has a direct impact on your self-confidence. That self-confidence influences how you interact with others, how likely you are to take risks and try new things, as well as how approachable you are to others. Plus, studies have shown that smiling more frequently naturally improves your mood! Why not give mom or dad that kind of long-lasting pick-me-up?

Teeth whitening can also be impactful for recent graduates on the interview circuit. Healthy, bright smiles can be viewed more favorably by those conducting interviews. A whitening treatment can give your grad that extra boost they need to go into an interview confidently and encourage the interviewer to view them as the truly competent, qualified young professional they are.

At-home whitening solutions like teeth whitening strips or mouthwash can be helpful, but for the quickest, most noticeable results, gift a whitening treatment from a dental professional. This whitening technique is done right in-office and removes significantly more surface stains than at-home whitening strips. There are typically two types of professional whitening: those that involve the use of halogen lighting to activate the carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide base (which brightens teeth by eight shades) and those without halogen lighting (which brightens teeth by five to eight shades). Consider, too, that professional whitening delivers results much faster than at-home options. Results typically come after just one whitening session, which usually takes about 90 minutes as opposed to days or weeks.

Worried that a whitening treatment might damage enamel? While there can be a risk of damage when using DIY solutions and applying them on for too long, a dentist’s professional service will safely conduct the whitening treatment. Professional practices can also minimize the risk of sensitivity by applying a protective layer before treatment begins.

Note that gums and teeth need to be healthy enough for whitening and that a whitening treatment won’t work on caps, crowns or veneers (which should already be white!).

To learn more about giving the gift of a professional teeth whitening treatment, reach out to the friendly folks at Allegiance Dental Associates today to set up a consultation for your loved one. Give us a call at 410-670-3376 or request an appointment online!