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We Welcome New Patients

Allegiance Dental Associates is accepting new dental patients in Bel Air, MD. We welcome new patients with open arms and aim to make your first visit as smooth and comfortable as possible. You’ll have the opportunity to meet with our team and learn more about our approach to making your dental health our priority. We’ll offer advice and knowledge concerning your dental needs and cooperate with you to develop a plan for optimal oral health. So, if you need a trusted team to provide your family with the highest level of dental care, call our practice to book your first visit.

family smiling

Insurance, Billing, and Financing Options

We make your dental experience seamless by helping you navigate insurance and payment options. Here’s a quick overview of our insurance and billing process:

  • Contact our office before your appointment to verify insurance benefits.
  • We accept most major dental insurances and file claims as a courtesy.
  • Receive an explanation of benefits and financial responsibilities upfront.
  • Your patient portion of the payment is due during your visit.
  • We assist with flexible financing options when necessary.

What to Expect During Your First Visit

We know that visiting a new dentist can be intimidating, so we strive to make your first visit with us as stress-free as possible. Our friendly staff will offer a warm greeting and help you complete any necessary paperwork. During your first visit, we complete a thorough oral health examination and discuss your treatment options. Here’s what to expect:

Comprehensive Oral Examination

Our dentist will thoroughly examine your teeth, gums, and overall oral health. This initial step helps us identify potential issues early and create an appropriate treatment plan.

Full-Mouth Digital X-Rays

We use digital X-rays to capture detailed images of your mouth. These images allow us to detect problems that may not be visible during a regular examination.

Oral Cancer Screening

We perform an oral cancer screening as part of your routine checkup to identify any signs of abnormalities. Early detection is crucial for the effective treatment of oral cancer.

Oral Hygiene Instruction

We provide personalized guidance on proper oral care techniques to help you maintain a healthy smile. This step includes tips on brushing, flossing, and using the right dental products.

Teeth Cleaning

Our hygienists will professionally clean your teeth to remove plaque and tartar buildup. This procedure helps prevent cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues.

Become a New Patient at Our Dental Practice

At Allegiance Dental Associates, we prioritize ensuring a smooth and efficient experience for our new dental patients in Bel Air, MD. We recommend downloading and completing our patient forms if you’re interested in becoming a patient. Please bring them to your appointment for faster processing, and our team will take comprehensive records. Our team is excited to meet you and make your dental health our priority. Call our practice today to book your visit and take the first step to a brighter and healthier smile.

Request an Appointment

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