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Allegiance Dental Associates

We enjoy hearing from our patients! To leave a testimonial of your own, please use the button below.

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Great service as always, I was in and out! Great practice!

Sean K.

Years and years of great service and professional actions.

Tom M.

You won't find a better staff than these people here to provide you everything you need for a comfortable and satisfying stay while in their care.

Charles R.

I think trust is the best way to describe / summarize my experience with Allegiance. They always do what they say they are going to do, never any hidden cost or procedures - and no scare tactics to draw you into getting something done you don't really need. The staff is kind and professional. The dentist is personable and relatable. He is very genuine and as much as i fear going to the dentist, I trust him- no I still don't like going but I do because I have confidence in the dentist and his staff. By the way, he knows his stuff. A great professional dentist and a great staff- you can't ask for more than that.

Brian M.

As always, well done on taking care of my teeth health!! Dr. Hoch and Debbie thanks so much!

Ladie G.

Everyone is always very friendly. I feel very confident with the service they provide to me.

Shirley R.

Dr. Dan and his team are just great! I left smiling with white, healthy teeth - what more can you ask for. Thank you.

Nick B.

Friendly staff.

Paul V.

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