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Quick and Effective Dental Emergency Treatments

If you need help with a sudden dental problem, Allegiance Dental Associates offers emergency dentistry in Bel Air, MD. Dental emergencies can occur at any time, so we offer prompt, high-quality emergency services to treat your issue. Our team of dental professionals can handle a wide range of problems with the utmost care and efficiency. You can expect prompt and comfortable service with the best treatment options for your dental emergency. Call our practice for immediate assistance if you’re experiencing a dental emergency and need quick treatment.

family smiling

Our Emergency Dental Treatment Care

At Allegiance Dental Associates, we know that your teeth deserve the best care possible if an unexpected issue occurs. That’s why we offer a complete range of emergency dental treatment options to help you protect your teeth from further issues. You can depend on the doctors at our practice for the highest level of care with the following:

lady smiling in dental chair

What Is Root Canal Therapy?

We utilize root canal therapy to treat the pulp of an inflamed, infected, or dead tooth. The pulp contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. Symptoms of infection include swelling, temperature sensitivity, and tooth pain. Here’s what the procedure involves:

  • Ensure your complete comfort with local anesthesia or sedation. We help you relax and prevent any pain during the procedure.
  • Remove the pulp and clean the tooth canals with a disinfecting solution. This process eliminates bacteria and prevents further infection from spreading.
  • After treatment, we place a temporary filling until the full restoration is complete. This step protects the tooth while it heals and prepares it for a permanent crown or filling.

We’re Ready to Handle Your Dental Emergency

At Allegiance Dental Associates, we’re ready to respond quickly with top-notch emergency dentistry in Bel Air, MD. With any unexpected dental problem, seeking professional care as soon as possible is essential for the best outcome. So, if you’re experiencing an issue, don’t hesitate to call our practice for prompt and effective treatment. Our experienced dental team will ensure you receive the necessary care to relieve pain and restore your oral health. Let us be your trusted source for all your emergency dentistry needs.

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Make an Appointment With Allegiance Dental Associates