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Sedation Dentistry at Allegiance Dental Associates

Sedation Dentistry uses medication to help you relax for a better dental care experience. Sedation dentistry can even help patients with severe dental anxiety.

Sedation dentistry offers many benefits to meet your individual needs. Sedation allows your body to relax more completely. This increases the effectiveness of local anesthesia. Sedation dentistry reduces the sensation of passing time. This can be very useful if you need complex or multiple treatments in a single sitting. It also prevents your muscles from stiffening or becoming sore due to spending extended periods of time in one position.

family sitting on couch smiling

Sedation Dentistry Can Be Utilized for Those Undergoing Oral Surgery

In every case, your sedation is closely monitored by experienced dental professionals who ensure your safety and comfort.

Your safety is our top priority. At your appointment, be sure to tell us:

  • Any prescription medications or over-the-counter medications you are taking
  • Any herbal or nutritional supplements you are using
  • Any allergies you have, particularly medication reactions
  • Any health conditions you have
  • Any questions or concerns you may have about your treatment or about sedation dentistry

Contact Us for More Information

Nitrous Oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, is a mild dental sedation medication. Once inhaled, it induces a state of mild relaxation. It also reduces sensitivity to pain. Nitrous Oxide is safe for virtually every patient, regardless of age. Following treatment, oxygen is used to neutralize the effects of the nitrous oxide. Once this is complete, you will be fully alert and able to drive yourself home.

For more information about using sedation dentistry with your next treatment, contact Allegiance Dental Associates.

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